Fast growing & engaging Cafe Review Instagram blog


Pastry Passport


Project Manager - Shela Yuen

Graphic Designer - Megha Kamath

Website Developers - Myta Palo, Stella Park

Content Creator, Video Creator - Morgan Franz

Project date

Sep - Nov 2023


Social Media Management

Content Creation

Design tool

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Premiere

Adobe Audition


Videography - Canon camera

Project goal

We had the pleasure to help the client, Pastry Passport, to create a brand new cafe review blogging platform from scratch. We also produced their website for blogging, and integrated 5 social media channels including Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest and Facebook.

Project flow

At the start of this 3-month project, we crafte a comprehensive marketing strategy to govern the whole project. We did this by planning out detailed content for each channel for each week carefully on a content calender.
We executed content posting according to schedule every week. With the fast-changing nature of social media, we also included impromptu posts to boost engagement. Reels, Youtube Shorts are used to reach non-follower audience.
At the end, in 8 weeks' time, we grew the instagram account followers from 0 to 1954 (as at Nov 30, 2023). We obtained 2472 profile visits and reach 847 non-followers. We have engaged with 176 accounts, 828 contents interactions, 787 likes in total for posts and reels.

Version 1 - evoke emotional engagement

In this version, we used several techqniues to relate to the target audience and evoke emotional engagement:

  • Cute school kids picture - To evoke target audience (which are teachers and principals) desire to ensure every kid on campus is happy and safe.
  • Disturbance - On the top left corner, clearly stated audience' pain point, which is frequent flu outbreak on campus after the pandenmic.
  • F-A-B - Clearly stated all product benefits on the note-paper on the left.
  • Social Proof - Logo of clients that has used Ecobay's product.
  • Comparison table - Compare the product to most commonly used alternatives at target schools - which are air purifier or mist disinfectant.
  • Call-to-action - Included a QR code for target audience to scan and linked to sales team's whatsapp account.

Vlog production

We filmed and produced this 5-minute cafe review vlog to introduce thiis cute cafe on Robson Street, Vancouver.

Essential of a vlog is to create a chilled atmosphere and entertain audience with the happy chemistry of the hosts. We hope we have mastered it well!
